A combination of being busy at work and feeling under the weather for the last two weeks has kept me from getting out too much or having much time to blog. Zazzle asked me to post some of my products in a blog post, so in the interim I thought I would do just that with some photo gifts that make great holiday presents. Get a great deal on a unique product and help support this writer and photographer at the same time!
My most popular yearly product is always my annual Southern Resident calendar. My 2013 calendar features pictures all taken during the 2012 season, so if you've gotten one of my calendars in the past, you won't see any repeat images here. You can save 25% off your calendar, too, using coupon code CALENDARTIME at check out!

2013 Southern Resident Killer Whale Calendar by OrcaWatcher
Browse more Orca Calendars
J1 Ruffles was one of the most iconic and popular of the Southern Residents. I made this Christmas ornament honoring him when he went missing in 2010:

J1 Ruffles Tribute Ornament by OrcaWatcher
More Orca Ornaments
Here's another ornament featuring a breaching orca. Order one of each (or any two ornaments) and save 25% using coupon code TWOORNAMENTS
My most popular photo has long been this image, entitled "You'll Never Swim Alone". It features the calf K42 Kelp, his mom K14 Lea, and elder female J8 Spieden. Enjoy it as a poster or canvas print:
My most popular photo has long been this image, entitled "You'll Never Swim Alone". It features the calf K42 Kelp, his mom K14 Lea, and elder female J8 Spieden. Enjoy it as a poster or canvas print:

You'll Never Swim Alone Posters by OrcaWatcher
Browse for more artwork prints
I've also got a series of iPhone, iPad, and iPod cases available. Here's a new one for an iPhone 5 featuring a spyhop from J27 Blackberry:

Spyhopping Orca iPhone Case by OrcaWatcher
View more Orca Casemate Cases
If it's been a while since you've been on Zazzle, they've added lots of new great products recently. Here's one of my favorites, journals:

Sunset Orca Journal Notebook by OrcaWatcher
Browse other Orca Notebooks
And here's another simple one that I like, notepads:

Spyhopping Orca Notepad by OrcaWatcher
Browse Orca Notepads
Thanks for taking the time to look, and I would be honored if any of these products would make great gifts for anyone on your holiday list. Even if you don't purchase from me, take a moment to look around at all the great artwork featured on Zazzle, or maybe even create some products of your own!
I'm shopping tomorrow!
I have gone during your blog post Orca Watcher , it was actually very informative. I absolutely share your views to my close friends keeps up the good work going,
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