Sunday, May 6, 2012

Ts, Hummingbird, and More Wildflowers

I've really been lucking out with the weather lately, as it's been drizzly and gray during the week and beautiful and sunny on the weekends. Today was no exception, and it turned out to be quite a pleasant Sunday. After making and enjoying brunch, I heard there were transient orcas in San Juan Channel just oustide Friday Harbor. We quickly made our way to the UW Labs, where we saw the T18s and T2Cs heading north at a good clip.

T19B (left) and another transient orca in San Juan Channel

Back at home, a little patience paid off when it came to photographing the hummingbirds at the feeder. Here's my favorite shot of the day, of a female rufous hummingbird:

Then, after giving a talk about killer whale acoustics at The Whale Museum's marine naturalist training, it was down to American Camp to enjoy some more of the sunshine. The wildflowers are in full bloom down there, and here are some of my favorite pictures from the hike:

Mt. Baker and a field of wildflowers
The wildflower meadow at the American Camp redoubt, with buttercup, camas, and death-camas
Chocolate lilies
Idaho blue-eyed grass
English daises
I also saw/heard about 20 bird species, including this white-crowned sparrow singing his heart out:


  1. I was wondering if it was time for you to be seeing the orcas. unless they come all year long?

  2. Love that last shot! Singing his heart out. So sweet.
