Saturday, February 4, 2012

Leading Lines at English Camp

I've been meaning to mention on my blog that I'm working on a 365 Project this year, where I'm taking a picture every day. While my blog usually focuses on birds, whales, and other things in the natural world, I'm aiming to improve my all-around photography by taking pictures of all sorts of subjects. My dad is also doing a 365 Project, and we're coming up with themes for certain weeks to help inspire us to look at things differently. This week's theme, chosen by my dad, was leading lines - strong lines in a photo's composition that help guide the viewer's eye through the image. (You can see my whole 365 project here, and my dad's here - click on the button that looks like a grid of squares between "previous" and "next" to see a calendar view.)

I made leading lines that theme of my photo walk through British Camp this afternoon, and it certainly succeeded in getting me to look at things differently! The walk I've done dozens of times took twice as long as normal as I stopped to take pictures of all sorts of "lines" I've never really noticed before. Here are some of the results:

Of course I wasn't just taking pictures of lines - I was also looking at birds! Highlights were hearing a pileated woodpecker (106) and then seeing a Townsend's solitaire (107). The solitaire wasn't only a year bird, but a new species for me in San Juan County! He's pretty camouflaged, but here he is:


  1. very cool! i've been to british camp a dozen times and have never really looked at it that way. i love the idea of following a theme in the way we look at things... even if we're not photographers.
