Saturday, April 16, 2011

Rasar State Park Wildflowers

On our way home from our one night trip to Seattle, we had time to visit the first 10-20 miles of the North Cascades Highway. One day I would love to drive the entire thing, but for Wednesday morning I had to content myself with a drive around some of the side roads and a visit to Rasar State Park just east of Hamilton, Washington in Skagit County. Things were pretty quiet bird-wise, although we did see two eagles incubating eggs on separate nests and a northern shrike. The main highlight turned out to be all the woodland wildflowers blooming at the State Park.

Pacific bleeding heart, Dicentra formosa

Western trillium, Trillium ovatum

Indian plum, Oemieria cerasiformis

Salmonberry, Rubus spectabilis

Streamside violet, Viola glabella

Candyflower, Montia sibirica


  1. They are all lovely wildflowers, Monika! Beautiful photos.

  2. Nice little collection there Monika, there'll be butterflies all over them soon :-)

  3. Thanks for the nice comments everyone!

    Warren - you were right! :)
