Monday, April 25, 2011

Land Bank Westside Preserve Wildflowers

A friend of mine recently posted some photos of wildflowers in bloom at the Land Bank Westside Preserve, and I was inspired to get out there and take a look. (I also spent a couple hours sitting on the rocks and reading in the warm sunshine for the first time this year! A nice respite before the two solid days of rain we've had since then!) Here are some photo highlights of the flowers I saw....

Field chickweed, Cerastium arvense

Barestem teesdalia, Teesdalia nudicaulis

Common camas, Camassia quamash

Lupine, Lupinus spp.

Strawberry, Fragaria spp., with a pollinator

Big leaf maple, Acer macrophyllum

Here's a couple that I'm not sure this a saxifrage of some sort?

And I have no idea what this tiny plant is. Do you?

While having your nose to the ground looking at plants up close you see more insects, too. Here's one of my favorite macro insect shots from the day:

Seven-spotted ladybug, Coccinella septempuncata

1 comment:

  1. Hi Monica,

    Nice collection of flower pics! The mystery flower with the tiny white blooms and pubescent structures is "mouse-eared chickweed", a common invasive of cultivated areas.
