Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Clash of the Seasons

We're at the intersection of winter and spring and signs of it are everywhere. The topsy-turvy weather has been a clear indicator of change. This morning I awoke to heavy winds and rain showers, but by this afternoon it was sunny, no trace of a breeze, and had topped out at a balmy 55 degrees. It was beautiful out! Here's the view from Jakle's Lagoon:

The bird life is starting to show subtle signs of change, too. While I'm still waiting for the spring migrants to show up (I hope to see my first swallows any day now....), the fact that red-breasted mergansers, bufflehead, and common goldeneye are still present is a reminder that it is, indeed, still winter. I saw a mixed flock of all three species diving amidst each other, which was a cool sight. They were far away so this is a heavily cropped photo, but here's a couple of goldeneye:

The common loons, however, are now sporting their very finest summer garb:

Next up, I'm taking advantage of a necessary trip to the mainland to take a side trip over to the Olympic Peninsula, and bird an area I've never had the chance to visit before: Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge. It should be good!!

1 comment:

  1. If your Dungeness is anywhere near as good as the one near Warren then you're infor a good day's birding.


