Sunday, December 5, 2010

December Sunset

I should start taking my camera with me to the grocery store! In the same tree where I saw the evening grosbeak the other day I had a great look at a Cooper's hawk yesterday. It was very cool. There have been some good birds to be seen right from our front porch in the last day or so, too. In addition to the red-breasted nuthatches, chestnut-backed chickadees, and dark-eyed juncos coming to the feeder I've seen a bald eagle, a group of double-crested cormorants, a trio of bufflehead (they've finally returned to the island for the winter!), a common loon, a belted kingfisher, and a female hooded merganser that has come very close to the houseboat.

Sorry, no pictures of the birds to share today (I'll try harder now that we've had some sunshine again! It's been too gray for photos some days), but we did have a pretty spectacular view of Mt. Baker the other afternoon. Pretty much everything was dark but the sun still lit up the top of the mountain so it just glowed pink. It was a little brighter in reality and in the photo than it shows up here; I still have some issues color-matching reds and oranges for internet usage for some reason.

Only just over two weeks until the days start getting longer again!!!


  1. Beautiful image. And, I take my camera to the grocer and everywhere else. I have a Canon 50 D and an assortment of lenses that goes on special photo trips, but I keep my Canon PowerShot SX210IS in my pocket or purse. It's amazing how often I use it when I had no idea I would need to have it with me.

  2. My husband has a big beautiful Canon. I chose mine for 1. The many pixels, 2. The Canon lens and 3. Because it did not add significantly to the weight of my back-pack. I've noticed that it fits nicely into my pocket without bulking up my hips. I too saw that stunning western Washington sunset but was so overwhelmed with the beauty before me that I forgot to get out the camera. Such is my life.

  3. Lovely sunset Monika.

    Yep, just 2 weeks till those sunsets start to get later :-)

    PS your comments on the Treecreeper were quite correct. The call is a high ptched trill, just like yous :-)

  4. Time to put a pocket camera on your Christmas pressy list Monika. Always carry the little one in the pocket - just cos you never know what sight is round the next corner waiting to be snapped. should eb some gud uns for 100 dollars or so


  5. I just got a little 7.4 Mpixel Vivitar for free for buying office supplies. You can have it.

  6. I was just coming to post that I have to get a nice little pocket camera when I saw your comment, The K - Thank you!

    I'm always torn about whether or not to bring my camera places (I have learned that I usually should) but it will be nice to have a small alternative for those times it's not feasible to take the big camera.
