Friday, October 29, 2010

An Early Birthday Year Bird

Earlier today I had finished my chores and some computer work I had to get done, and had about half an hour before a meeting in town. That didn't leave me with too much time to go out, but with the sunshine peaking through the clouds I felt like getting outside and doing a little bird-watching. Just two miles from home there is a tiny county park that overlooks the water. Because it's so small, as well as the fact that I naively assume anything seen there I'll be able to see from our marina, I rarely stop there, but today Turn Point County Day Park seemed like the perfect place to go.

By the time I got there it was beautiful out, as the sun had burnt through most of the clouds - an unexpected surprise on what was forecast to be a weekend of clouds and rain, like we've had for much of this week. I sat down on the rocks (there's no where really to walk, it's so tiny!) and decided to see what sort of bird life might come by in the 15 minute I had to spend there.

Immediately I started hearing some killdeer over on the beach in front of some nearby private residences. Somewhat surprisingly, there are only a few good places on the island to look for shorebirds, but I may have to add this park to the list of spots to check during migration.

Out in the cove there were some distant sea ducks. Lifting the binoculars, I saw some surf scoters.....then a pair of white-winged scoters.....and then.....what is that??!.....a female black scoter (year bird 221)!!

My birthday is tomorrow and I was thinking earlier this week how neat it would be to get a year bird on my birthday. They're coming so few and far between now, that I'll certainly take this one even though it's a day early!

After my meeting in town there was a little bit of daylight left, so I went out to Lime Kiln Point State Park to enjoy the sunshine while it lasted. Here's the trail down to the coastline:

I often find myself taking pictures of Lime Kiln Lighthouse when I'm out there, even though I have so many photos of it already. Still, whenever the lighting is nice it's fun to photograph, and I'm always trying to find a slightly different angle:

Despite being chilly in town it was pleasantly mild at the lighthouse so I sat down to enjoy the sight of the sun disappearing behind the clouds over Vancouver Island. A couple flocks of Pacific loons came by while I was watching.


  1. Many happy returns for tomorrow Monika - Surf Scoter and White Winger Scoter =Velvet) I'd take but I'm sick of the sight of Black (Common ) Scoters - although I believe they've been split now. Wouldn't mind a Pacific Loon or two too.
    Have a great day tomorrrow



  2. PS that little bay in the first pic looks a great place to do a bit of snorkelling!


  3. Have a good one Monika !!

    Sometimes it pays to just sit and watch :-)

  4. Monika-Thanks for such lovely pictures. It is so refreshing to sit and taken in the healing balm of natures medicine; the sights, soothing sounds, the varied fragrances, the creatures (great and small) all minister to us.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  5. hey monika.. hope you had a special birthday today. thanks for the fall pics of lime kiln. i haven't ever been there in the fall and i'm reminded of how much i miss that beautiful lookout spot. one can spend hours just watching the sea and the life that passes by and the amazing sunsets. i'm glad you take the time to enjoy it.

  6. Happy Birthday a little late. I'm just catching up after traveling. Lovely images once again.

  7. What a lovely photographs taken.
    Thanks for sharing it.
    Happhy off late.
