Friday, September 17, 2010

Beetle and Sand Flea

With all the fog and rain we've had of late, it's been a good time to look down at your feet while hiking, which has led me to discover these two critters. This first one is a carrion beetle, Nicrophorus defodiens:

This one is a sand flea, an amphipod I found on the beach. I believe it may be of the genus Orchestia:


  1. in their own little buggy ways, they're rather cute...

  2. I like it when you show critters that aren't in the mainstream of photography. Cool pictures.

  3. So That's what the shore birds are catching for lunch !

  4. Great beetle and a good hopper pic too. Once found a bottle within which wasa dead mouse that had become trapped - also in there were several specimens of the aptly named, and very similar to yours, N.investigator which had investigated to their doom.

    Hope you get some decent weather soon


