Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Whale: Luna's Story

The touching and intriguing story of Luna (L98) was told in the beautiful documentary film Saving Luna. In case you haven't heard, it is now being reworked and re-released on the big screen under the title "The Whale".

Luna was a member of L-Pod who somehow got separated from his family and ended up by himself in Nootka Sound off the west side of Vancouver Island. What followed was an amazing story filled with controversy, hope, and interspecies interactions that spanned several years. If you never got a chance to see the original (or even if you did) make sure you check out Luna's incredible story in The Whale when it comes out either this fall or next spring - and make sure to bring some Kleenex.


  1. i never saw the movie... but if that trailer captures the quality of the movie, it's gotta be great. i want an orca to blow in my face, fishiness or not!

  2. Looks good. Is 'The Whale' based upon the true story? I like watching true stories....however if this involves any whales dying (for one reason or another) than I may not watch.

    But Monika I like your stories of my favorite sea creatures .....whales.

  3. Yuri, The whale is a remake of Saving Luna, it has some footage removed and new footage added and Ryan Reynolds is the new narrator for this movie.

  4. Yuri - It is a true story - it's actually a documentary.

  5. Thanks for letting me know Monika....I'll keep a watch out for it. Seems like it might be a good film to show the children as well.

  6. This may sounda a bit niave but isn't luna also part of Keiko's Pod (the Free Willy Whale?) I understand both have died (which is Sad)

  7. Kate - Keiko was actually from Iceland. You may be thinking of Lolita, a captive whale in Miami, who like Luna was a member of L-Pod.
