Thursday, August 19, 2010

San Juan County Fair

This week is the biggest annual community event in the San Juan Islands: the San Juan County Fair. Everyone in town is talking about the fair - from the traditional subjects like the food, the music, the rides, the exhibits, and the animals, to the more unique elements like the Zucchini 500 or the Trashion Fashion show.

I usually enter photos in the fair, but this year I was asked to be a photography judge, so I spent Tuesday evening looking at the great photos everyone submitted. I still felt like entering something, so I turned to one of my lesser known talents: baking. I made a blackberry pie using locally picked blackberries (I actually made two pies - one for the fair and one to eat!):

I also made my molasses cookies, which have become a favorite among my friends:

Today I spent part of the afternoon at the fair looking at all the livestock. The pygmy goats were probably my favorite:

There were also pigs, sheep, horses, ducks, chickens, rabbits, and cows.

4H is popular around here, and many of the island kids get to show off their work around the fair. One of the more unusual events, which I got to see today, were the chicken races:
Many local organizations also exhibit at the fair, and when I stopped by The Whale Museum booth I got roped into making a dorsal fin hat. This is not your traditional whale picture, but from the dorsal fins you can tell that from left to right you have K40 Raggedy, J28 Polaris, and J2 Granny:


  1. Great post, Monika! The county fairs can be a lot of fun. Your blackberries pies look delicious. Loved the photos of the 4h animals. Good luck with your judging.

  2. A lady of many talents I see Monika !

  3. uh told your secrets, and now you know what i'm going to ask for next time i come north to hang out on the bluff and watch whales with you?

    mmmmmm.... oh yeah, i will!
