For any use of my photos, please contact me at monika.wieland (at) gmail (dot) com

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Last Night's Full Moon


The Wessex Reiver said...

Funnily enough I was out last night watching the moon too - just a few thousand miles from you in South West England - always a special moment seeing the moon like that.

Julie said...

sweet! and what a great place to see it from...


Diamond in the Rough said...

i've always wondered......about the full moon and orcas..... knowing the native legend that orcas descended from wolves.... and the theory was then proven scientifically( they have the same ancestor) and then when we look at how wolves (canines) react to the full moon, and how the waters react to the full moon, i've always wondered if the full moon effected the orcas in any way, or if they reacted to it at all....... food for thought...... but an answer would be nice :D