Monday, March 15, 2010

Koll Center Cedar Waxwings

I stopped by Koll Center Wetlands yesterday afternoon, and was pleased to see close to 30 species in the half hour or so I spent there. One highlight was three long-billed dowitchers (114), a species I had been expecting to see there at some point, but hadn't as of yet because the water level has been too high to expose much in the way of mudflats. There was only a thin sand bar showing, but the dowitchers were busy probing the ground like sewing machines, making their way around the common merganser, green-winged teal, northern shoveler, and killdeer that were also using the exposed land as a place to rest.

The other highlight were two flocks of cedar waxwings that together probably totaled more than 50 birds. One group was perched in some willows and were flycatching insects over the water. There were some yellow-rumped warblers doing the same thing. With the number of bugs about and the fact that tree swallows are now starting to come back, it was somewhat surprising not to see any swallows over the lake.

I love the look of cedar waxwings, with their black masks and crests. They always remind me of little bandits. This one raised its crest, giving it quite the stylish look:


  1. Your still catching me up...gonna be closse in a few weeks when the migrants start pouring in!!!



  2. Hee hee, love those Waxwings. They really are so exotic-looking, aren't they? That 2nd photo just cracks me up! Do you have Bohemian Waxwings over in your direction?
