Friday, February 19, 2010

Sunny Weather Continues at Tualatin River NWR

Rain is in the upcoming forecast, but for now I've still be enjoying the sunshine! Today I went for my first real walk since the unfortunate foot injury about a month ago. Very sore afterward, but worth it to hit the trails (no jacket required!) this afternoon.

I saw 20 species while walking through the refuge, mostly waterfowl. Here a flock of Canada geese was flushed as a bald eagle soared through:

Another highlight was a flock of about 15 dark-eyed juncos hanging out in the same area and thus cooperating for some photographs. Was this guy looking up at the geese as they flew overhead?

I also heard a wren in the forested part of the trail. It was either a house or winter wren, and either one would have been year bird #102, but unfortunately it didn't show itself despite some "psshing" on my part and I don't trust my ability to tell them apart by voice. So the year count remains at 101 for now, but with some travels scheduled for the next week I'm sure that number will rise before the end of the month!


  1. Your photography is great. I like birds too and have a blog about them. I hope you are able to get more exposure so your work is seen.

  2. Had some sun here today too Monika. I'm pleased your foot is on the mend, just in time for some spring migrant spotting. :-)

  3. 101 you're catchin me up now Monika! Hopw many yuo expect/hope to get? Maybe we should tally up on percentages at the end of the year!


    PS wouldn't mind one of those Juncos flitting round Dev. Rd Rock Gardens next October - could cope with that!!!

  4. Abe - Thanks for the comments! I checked out your blogs and you have some nice work as well. I'll make sure to check back from time to time.

    Warren - Yes! It's easier to be cooped up when the weather is bad, but as we start getting more of this sun and more species start showing up I am much happier out and about.

    Dave - It is getting closer, but I haven't had much luck in the last couple of weeks! I haven't made a target list yet, though I've been meaning to, but my guess is I should aim for somewhere between 150 and 175.

  5. Beautiful Junco! It sounds like you guys in the Northwest are enjoying some nice weather. I wish you could send it here.
