My last post featured what I called the last day of summer, and I wasn't wrong as the signs of fall are now undoubtedly all around us. Here are three such signs that I've noticed in the last couple of days....
All the birds are now shifting to winter plumage, like this glaucous-winged gull that no longer has a stark white head, but rather one streaked with gray:
All the birds are now shifting to winter plumage, like this glaucous-winged gull that no longer has a stark white head, but rather one streaked with gray:

All year round there are lots of exotic animals on Spieden Island, like these Mouflon sheep:

But only in the fall will you see them mating!

Down in Cattle Pass there are now 20+ male Steller sea lions consistently hanging out at Whale Rocks, where they will reside until next May. Here are a couple of them today - note the fog and the choppy water that just added to the autumn ambiance of this first day of October:

Nice sea - water looks cold though
Yup, I can feel it in the air just from your photos. I like the photo of the gull - his coloring, even though it's not his breeding plumage, makes for a great contrast for the moss (or lichen, maybe?) that appears to be on the rocks in the background. Happy October to you!
There is something sad about the coming of Autumn, but at the same time a sense of excitement! Or is it just me . ;-)
Hi Monica,
Nice blog you have. I'm coming from Ian photogrpahy blog. I'm here too and was pleased to find your blog this way. I loved it.
Dave - It is cold!
Heather - I think it's some kind of lichen. Happy October to you too!
Warren - It's definitely not just you. I definitely mourn the shorter days, if nothing else. Read Heather's recent post (one comment above yours) for a reminder of why the oncoming of fall is a happy thing.
Chris - Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
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