Even while staying holed up at home during some of our recent rainy weather, I'm still seeing cool wildlife. Every day there have been anywhere from 1-4 harbor seals, mostly youngsters, right off our front porch feeding on bait fish. Harbor seals are really abundant all throughout the San Juans, but for some reason I only see them in our marina in the fall. (Check out this post from last November.) It's usually "weaners" too, or pups from this season that are off on their own but aren't full adult size yet. I wonder why that is?
Look at the cute face on this guy, who has his tail sticking up in the air behind him:
Look at the cute face on this guy, who has his tail sticking up in the air behind him:

Do you by any chance have a higher-resolution version of this photo? I think it'd make a terrific wallpaper, and my current photo of the ISS is getting boring.
You can always e-mail me if you're interested in one of my photos. My e-mail is under the About Me section in the side bar.
Oh my, what a precious face!
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