Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bonaparte's Gull Close-Ups

When I saw the thousands of Bonaparte's gulls I posted about yesterday, we didn't get very close to them. By Dave's request, here are some close-up shots of Bonaparte's gulls to give you a better idea of what they really look like. These photos are from September 2007 where 3-4 gulls were just circling around and feeding right off my front porch. This is what the gull looks like in winter plumage - in summer plumage they have an all black head and very clean, light gray wings with the only black being on the trailing edge. I love the way the water looks on this first shot:


  1. ...beautiful photos. I love their faces and the markings on their wings.

  2. Thanks Monika - Look at the trailing edge on those little beauties. Its a bird of the year ie coming out of juvenile plumage into its 1st winter garb.

    thanks again


  3. I agree with dave, little crackers those gulls. maybe one day we'll see one here!

  4. Hi Monika,
    I love the first shot but the whole set is very nice. A bird, I would for sure not see over here!

  5. Kelly - It's always special when you get to see a bird close enough to take in all those intricate details!

    Dave - Thanks for that! How do you know?

    Warren - I'm surprised at how many gulls from this side do make it over there, so it's certainly not out of the question!

    Chris - Thanks for stopping by and commenting! From your profile it looks like "over there" is Iceland? I'll have to check out your blog too!
