Monday, February 2, 2009

Great Bird Count of February

I've been inspired by the Northwest Nature Nut to participate in the Great Bird Count of February. A group of bloggers has signed on to the "competition", to list all the birds you see from your yard during the month, and most of us will be keeping running lists going in our blog sidebars. Here on my floating home, I don't think I'll have nearly as many species as others with more traditional backyards, but I should probably be able to add some unique species others won't get, such as some grebes or mergansers. So, keep tabs on the side bar to see how my February list is progressing!

The above photo is of a chestnut-backed chickadee that was visiting my feeder just before the February bird count began, on January 31st! If you don't feel like counting yard birds for a whole month, also during the month of February is the weekend-long Great Backyard Bird Count from February 13-16, a national event put on by Audubon and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. In 2008, backyard birders recorded 634 species over the weekend!


  1. Good luck! Sounds like a fun competition. The only bird I have seen around lately are Seagulls. Have a great week...

  2. Hi Monika

    Sounds like a fun thing this back Yard Bird count - count me in watch the species in my side bar 'fly' up - pun definitely intended, sorry.

    Michelle - hope your splitting those 'seagulls' down into species to get your list going!


  3. Oh how fun! I am sure your list will be interesting. You are probably the only one on water. Cool!

  4. Michele, Dave makes a great point about the gulls! Good luck with your whale counts.

    Dave, I'm glad you're on board! Check out the NW Nature Nut for the "official rules" - see one comment below.

    NW Nature Nut, at least I'll have some different species if not the most numerous list. It would be interesting to compile a February list for everyone who participates and see how many specie we get.
