Today the weather was beautiful! It was sunny and calm, so we went for a hike down at American Camp. On one particular trail down there, I often see a red fox trotting along the path, and today was no different. I'm not positive, but I think it's the same fox I see there all the time, especially by looking at the markings on the face and its especially squinty eyes. He's also always trotting down the same path, stopping to peer into the grasses when he senses movement, looking for something to eat. He doesn't seem to be very shy of people, either, although when I stop on the trail he veers off into the grasses to go around me before cutting back to the path and continuing on his way. I don't actually know if it's a male or a female, but we nicknamed him Hank. What really struck me today was the difference between summer coat and winter coat. Check out these two photos taken on the trail, one from back in June and one from today:

What a difference from the scrawny-looking fox of summer to the full-coated fox of winter! I love to see foxes anytime of year, but I must admit from a photographer's point of view I prefer the pristine, downy winter fox to the mangy, patchy summer one.

What a difference from the scrawny-looking fox of summer to the full-coated fox of winter! I love to see foxes anytime of year, but I must admit from a photographer's point of view I prefer the pristine, downy winter fox to the mangy, patchy summer one.
hi monika
We had a red fox run across the road in front of us when out for a walk with Frank, quite a regular sight in the gardens here. Don't look as fluffy as yours. Yet another UK/WA species in common
I agree with you there, Monika... The winter fox coat is beautiful.. The lighting is as well.. Nice photos. Too bad he wasn't looking towards you... Next time! :)
Dave, it's amazing how many species we have in common! I looked up the red fox in particular, wondering if it might be introduced to the US (as it is to the islands), but in fact it is native to North America, Europe, Asia, and North Africa, making it the most widespread terrestrial carnivore. It's been introduced to Australia, too.
Michele, I know! I guess I'll have to keep going back and shooting more photos ;)
Hi Monika
Sad to say that foxy-loxy is an absolute nightmare in WA (Western Australia - and the rest of the place)He's just about eaten his way through all the small marsupials including the gorgeously cute numbats. Serious problem this moving species around the world for whatever reason.
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