With all this winter weather my wildlife watching has been restricted to the bird feeders just outside, but that doesn't mean the viewing hasn't been spectacular. Yesterday I spent some time in my parents' front yard, where many birds overcame their typical shyness of people in favor of some unfrozen seed to help keep them warm for the night. Remember to feed the birds near you - they need help to get through this subfreezing weather! I have no idea how the little overwintering Anna's hummingbirds make it through this stuff. Here are a couple of my favorite shots from yesterday. From top to bottom, a red-breasted nuthatch, a black-capped chickadee, and a dark-eyed junco.

These are wonderful photos with the powder on their feathers! Its reassuring to know their tummies have food.
Great shots of the nuthatch and chickadee--two of my favorite birds!
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