Saturday, September 13, 2008

Evening Whales

Thursday evening all three pods did make their way back in from the ocean. While sitting at the lighthouse, we watched them come straight across Haro Strait towards us, before most of them veered off and "hit land" to the north of us. I could see some dorsal fins waaaay to the south, however, so I decided to stick around and see if they might come north. Jeanne, Mary, and I walked down to Whale Watch Point to take one last look before we went home, and sure enough we could see fins close to shore heading our direction! It turned out to be a group of maybe 8 L-Pod whales that swam slowly north through the kelp. It was kind of an odd assortment of whales, with a few moms and calves and a few young males you wouldn't necessarily expect to see together. It was neat to watch them from a different rock for a change, too. Here are a couple of my favorites:

Pooka (L106) dives under mom Surprise's (L86) tail as she slaps it.

Wavewalker (L88) kelping

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