For any use of my photos, please contact me at monika.wieland (at) gmail (dot) com

Monday, July 7, 2008

Pair of Eagles

This summer it seems like there are bald eagles everywhere. On some of the whale-watching trips I've worked, we've seen more than 20 eagles on a trip - by far a record-setting high. There are a lot of both juveniles and adults, but interestingly enough, it also seems like many of the eagles nests are *not* active this year. Maybe the population needs to balance out a little bit. It's been a year now since the bald eagle was successfully de-listed from the Endangered Species Act, and its awesome to see the local population thriving. This pair of eagles were perched along Bailer Hill Road, where I often see them either on the power poles or in a nearby tree.


seang70 said...

Glad your having fun, keep Keith working and hurry back so we can go to the Mock Crest for pints. Cheers

Vera said...

Best eagle picture yet!