Monday, July 7, 2008

Pair of Eagles

This summer it seems like there are bald eagles everywhere. On some of the whale-watching trips I've worked, we've seen more than 20 eagles on a trip - by far a record-setting high. There are a lot of both juveniles and adults, but interestingly enough, it also seems like many of the eagles nests are *not* active this year. Maybe the population needs to balance out a little bit. It's been a year now since the bald eagle was successfully de-listed from the Endangered Species Act, and its awesome to see the local population thriving. This pair of eagles were perched along Bailer Hill Road, where I often see them either on the power poles or in a nearby tree.


  1. Glad your having fun, keep Keith working and hurry back so we can go to the Mock Crest for pints. Cheers
